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(in English)

online Zen meditation email magazine vol. 6

altruism - gain and blessing

Hello. I’m Chiken Kawaguchi.

Thank you very much for attending our ninth online Zen meditation session.

I sincerely appreciate your questions.

One of them says, “It’s quite difficult for me to voice my opinions without offending people around. I have been asked for new perspectives at work, but I’m not sure how mush honest I should be. What should I do?”

I’d like to answer this from my view point, touching on “altruism” as today’s topic.

Actually, I feel relieved to see you all today. That has brought me a peaceful mind, really. For the last couple of weeks, my days have been hectic and bustling. “Being busy” means that you lose your mind in Japanese. That exactly describes how I lost myself in these days.

At our temple, we started holding a charity dining including a children cafe with our local university students. Local residents from all of ages get together to enjoy eating, playing and learning once a month. However, it has been halted since March due to the coronavirus.

The event has meant a lot to the local communities, and that was exactly why we decided to do something in this virus crisis. Holding a dining event was not allowed, so we resumed, switching it to the distribution of boxed lunches and snacks as a gift.

Fortunately, it was a success and we were able to get supports from the circle of kind-hearted people, thanks to the media reports like newspapers and TV. The more interests we’ve received, the more responsible we had to be. Especially, we deal with meals, so the food security comes to an issue. I was forced to have online meetings with the administration and the health center as days passed by so quickly.

Even though I almost lost peace of mind, I realized that I was surrounded by warm-hearted people. On the day of the gift event, I was able to see a lot of smiles on the people here and there and find that each of them had put all-out efforts to that day. Seeing those smiley faces also brought me a smile and I felt better.

Let me introduce some principles from Shushogi Sutra.

“ Rigyo toiu wa, kisen no syujyo ni okite riyaku no zengyo wo megurasu nari.”- Altruism is to do a good deed to people no matter what their social positions are.

Let’s take a look at a word, rieki/riyaku, here. * Kanji 利益 can be read either “rieki” or “riyaku” in Japanese.

Generally, “rieki” describes a profit. However, it is read “riyaku” in Buddhism. In terms of altruism, “riyaku” means benevolence of Buddha who wishes for people’s well-being, not trying to benefit only yourself

Another teaching says;

“Riko wa ippo nari, amaneku jita wo risuru nari.”- Altruism is one cogwheel which will benefit you eventually.

If you have compassion for others, not only pursuing self-interest, happiness will come to you naturally. That’s what altruism is. The meaning of Kanji 利益 differs completely when read differently.

Lotus flowers in the precincts of my temple here are now in full bloom. There is a saying, “Deityu no renge.” A lotus flower can bloom only through the mud. In Buddhism, the mud is seen as the world of human greed and a lotus flower as yourself.

The flower takes time to grow itself from the mud and its big blossoms are amazingly gorgeous and beautiful. The blessings of sunshine, rain and mud help them realize this.

Like these lotus flowers, we, human beings, are also blessed by every possible support. Therefore, I believe that being altruistic will eventually bring us loving favor.

Enjoy your day.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Our next session will start at six in the morning, July 26, Sunday. Please sing up on this website.

I very much look forward to having you again.


Chiken Kawaguchi





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